Repetitive Sunday Post is Repetitive

Posted November 10, 2019 by Maire in meme, Whimsy / 14 Comments

This week’s Sunday Post feels a little sparse to me. Or maybe repetitive. I’m just surprised it’s Sunday again!

Sunday Post masthead graphic: A cup of tea fades into the background beneath the title

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at The Caffeinated Reviewer. You should check out her blog. And then check out the blogs of all the other awesome folks doing the Sunday Post. There are links. Lots and lots of links.

Our tabby cat, Mischief
I know it’s not Caturday, but I give you a picture of our cat Mischief as tribute.

I can’t believe it’s Sunday again. The week feels like it flew by. The Husbeast’s vacation is almost over, and I’m just glad he had the time to be home. This has been a rough year for health issues in our family, and having the time away from work has really helped.

Thankfully, the two of us are feeling OK, so we can prop up the ones who aren’t. We just need a little offline time to recharge.

I’m using my reading and writing time to try and relax. The Alisha Rai books were a good choice this week. I’ve needed lighter fare and the romantic comedy in her Modern Love series has been just what I needed.

Does anyone else notice their Sunday Post getting repetitive? Do you guys finish everything you start in the week, or do you carry over projects (books, crafts, etc) the way I do?

Last Week on Stringchronicity

Tuesday: Books that remind me of Autumn
Wednesday: I recommended some non-fiction books
Thursday: Book Review: The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai
Friday: Five characters I find particularly inspiring.

Upcoming Features

Not sure what will be on the blog next week aside from memes. I’m going to be trying to stockpile some posts so I can get some Other Writing done this week.

Finished Objects

I read The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai. To be honest, it’s about the only thing I finished this week.

What I’m Reading, Listening to and Watching

I have a couple of books on the go. I immediately started Alisha Rai’s Girl Gone Viral after finishing The Right Swipe. Unfortunately, sleep made me put it down. I’m still working through Stitches and Witches and Save The Cat Writes a Novel. I didn’t do a lot of driving this week, so we’re still working on the same old audio book.

Confession: I’m a bit of a music nerd. I watch music theorists break down songs like Stairway to Heaven for fun and listen to hot takes on how David Bowie influenced current music. I am a huge fan of cover songs and style parody.

Ali Spagnola regularly style-parodies popular music, and shows all the steps she took to get the final product. I’m not familiar with this week’s song, but I’m definitely familiar with the style.

She’s channelling the Europop sound of the late 90’s in a weepy 4 chord song. The style parody is inspired by Aqua but I have a different vision in my head. Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, aka The Pet Shop Boys, giggling while they remix Always On My Mind.

I wonder if they too looked up and said “My God, this is obnoxious!”

On the Needles

Blue Crocheted Afghan
Granny Stripes afghan. Yarn is Caron Cakes Faerie Cake.

I’m plodding away at a pair of socks and added a foot onto a simple granny-stripe afghan. Next year I’m going to get my sock expectations done early so I can spend the winters snuggled up in blankies-in-progress.

Stash Acquisition

Being very frugal with the money this week, and no new ARCs. Time to work from the TBR list!


14 responses to “Repetitive Sunday Post is Repetitive

  1. Taking some time off while reading to recharge your batteries is always good! I do that too. Seems that for so many 2019 is a year with health issues. Well, letΒ΄s hope that 2020 will be better on that front. Happy reading and have a great Sunday.

    • 2019 has been a stressful year. All we can do is stay positive. Reading to recharge is probably the least harmful coping mechanism πŸ˜‰

  2. 2019 has gone by so fast this year, I agree with you about feeling like my Sunday posts come up very often. And in some ways, they are a bit similar, yes.
    I still enjoy sharing, and also seeing what other bloggers are up to though.
    As for finishing stuff in a week, that doesn’t happen much for me these days…
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    • I’m trying to get organized so I can get on top of my projects. Now I know why some of the Bullet Journal folks have such elaborate systems!
      I hope your weekend allows you to finish a few things πŸ™‚

  3. I read save the cat writes a novel last month in preparation for NaNoWriMo, its definitely been the most useful book on plotting I have read so far. I am loving the look of that Afghan, i really need to pick up my crochet hook sometime, it has been far too long.

    • I have a whole collection of books detailing the ‘awesome power of the plotter’. And I’m definitely a plotter. I leave just enough to be discovered along the way. If you have any interest in those MasterClass videos, see if you can watch the ones by Dan Brown. Whether or not you like his brand of thriller, he has some really good advice for keeping the pace moving. πŸ™‚

      The afghan is dead simple. It’s the Granny Stripe Blanket by Lucy at Attic 24. I’m not switching my colours, just using a self-striping acrylic yarn. It’s gotten long enough, it now covers me down to my toes when I’m working on it. It’s pretty mindless, relaxing, and warm.

      I like warm πŸ™‚

    • I hope you will feel better and I am sorry to hear your family had rough year when it comes to health.
      Your cat is so handsome. I wouldn’t mind seeing more pics of him in the future! 😁

  4. Maureen Bakker

    Taking some time off can definitely be very necessary at times.
    And I totally agree about these Sunday’s just getting here faster and faster. I can’t seem to get to visiting everyone! But I’ll keep trying.
    Have a great week and happy reading!

    • I made a few inroads on reading Sunday Posts yesterday, but I agree…there’s a lot of folks to visit! Hope your week goes well too πŸ™‚

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