Garden Surprise: Perky Fleurs
Came downstairs for tea and what should I find waving at me through the garden windows? Bright, cheery, unashamedly perky flowers!
Came downstairs for tea and what should I find waving at me through the garden windows? Bright, cheery, unashamedly perky flowers!
I know it looks like a sudden rush of productivity, but I’ve been meaning to do this for while now. The blocking of my Wisp shawl.
Sometimes projects don’t take as long as you think they will. Sometimes, you realize the perfect project is portable, colourful, light, and full of holes.
There’s a ton of wildlife in Calgary, and it has a tendency to just pop up wherever. We went for breakfast down at the Blackfoot Diner with Chelsea…and what should be parked on top of Chels’s building? A Canada Goose, full of attitude, honking away on the roof.
I washed a heck of a lot of yarn! Well, this isn’t the sum total of what I did on my vacation, but it took up a good part of last weekend.
I bought a moleskine. It’s not too big, and not too small. It will fit in my purse, or my carry-around-bag without being TOO small.
Why nothing gets done around here, at least nothing productive on the computer.
I’m back! Well, kinda. Despite being distracted by Google Buzz, I’d just started getting back in the habit of posting when my webserver went down. Even worse? There was no backup.
Today’s post is courtesy of Chelsea, who started making up stories when Robin switched to another Rockband character