Tag: knitting

Falling down the rabbit hole of textured crochet

Falling down the rabbit hole of textured crochet

September 23, 2019 by Maire in Hobbies / 1 Comment

There are times when I find myself in that very odd situation where my perceived knowledge on a subject far outweighs my actual experience. You know the feeling, right? You’re merrily knitting away on a vanilla sock while your World of Warcraft character is taking the fifteen-minute flight between Undercity and Iron Summit when another crafty friend sends you a panicked message asking how to interpret a particularly tricky section of lace in the shawl they’re knitting.

Plans for today

Plans for today

January 2, 2018 by Maire in Whimsy, Writing / 1 Comment

Today’s plans? Settling in with a new book, knitting on a sock, and cuddling up under a warm blanket. Long, long ago, I mentioned that the first couple of adult books I remember reading (or at least, remember being caught reading by adults who were probably right in assuming I was too young to be […]

My view from the cheap seats

My view from the cheap seats

April 16, 2016 by Maire in Writing / 0 Comments

I write a lot. Oh, I may not write here, but trust me, when I get into a groove I write like a hypergraphic squirrel on cocaine. I generally don’t talk about writing. For me, it’s a lot like fight club. The first rule about write club is you don’t talk about writing.  Most likely because I’m […]
