Tag: blog

Once more into the fray

Once more into the fray

February 3, 2019 by Maire in Nerding / 0 Comments

I’ve been quietly working on the back-end of the website, gearing up for a redesign. Imagine my surprise when I checked the site yesterday to find..well…nothing. All the source code was present, but the site had gone *poof* into so much aether. I took this as a hint that maybe, while my host was restoring…



August 7, 2015 by Maire in Hobbies / 0 Comments

It’s amazing how looking at other blogs can remind you that you have one of your own that you’re sadly neglecting. It’s hard-truth time — I actually considered closing the door on inkyblack/stringchronicity and just creating a bog standard blogspot/wordpress site. The problem with that is the same I’m having here — What to put in it?

I had thought that I was getting better at generating content until I took a look at my post history. A handful of imports from Instagram had taken over the main content. There were a couple of posts about books that I’ve read recently. Not much else.

I didn’t even like the colours on the blog. Grey, beige and blue what? That’s not me. I needed to make some changes. At very least, time for a redesign!

Not forgotten

Not forgotten

March 21, 2012 by Maire in Hobbies / 0 Comments

I am trying to defiantly not feel guilty about not blogging like I feel I should. Work is still rather challenging at this time, and the writing isn’t the only thing suffering.  For starters, I haven’t managed to make it in to the gym in the past month or so. My diet is very erratic, […]

Sometimes you get it right

Sometimes you get it right

January 17, 2012 by Maire in Events, Hobbies / 5 Comments

I’ve been meaning to post for days. To tell the truth, I’ve had distinct feelings of “Bloggers Guilt” for not posting sooner. Part of that is due to the fact that I’ve been going through a kind of “knitter’s block”, and part of that is due to a lack of time.  We’ll take it in […]



November 13, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies, Writing / 0 Comments

Today is my Saturday (Sunday for everyone else), so I’ve been very busy taking it easy. My morning tea was delayed by my own distraction – I went web surfing. Having been on the internet since sometime in the early 90’s, I’ve come to find that we tend to stick to the known. I decided […]



November 12, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies, Writing / 0 Comments

Testing the RSS feed… Awhile back, my webhost did some upgrades to his server(s), and tried to also do some improvements. The best plans of geeks and men fell flat, and we wound up with some weird bugs. One of which was some busted permalinks. Next, I noticed that the hit count had gone down […]

Coming Soon: Knit and Crochet Week!

Coming Soon: Knit and Crochet Week!

March 3, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies, Writing / 0 Comments

My Google Reader category for “Knitterly” contains feeds for 89 knitting blogs.  It’s gotten to the point where I have at least 20 or more posts to read on a daily basis.  I’m a great lurker.  I’m not the best at commenting, though I *am* working on that. I constantly add new blogs to the […]

Missed it by *that* much…

Missed it by *that* much…

February 24, 2011 by Maire in Hobbies, Writing / 0 Comments

There have been so many things going on around here lately, that something got away from me entirely, and wasn’t remembered until I had a moment to stop and think. I’ve been blogging for about eleven years now!  My 11th Blogoversary just passed, on February 21st.  At that point, I had the domain for inkyblack.net, […]
